Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Bukoto Toastmasters Club which meets at the prestigious Naguru Skyz Hotel,Naguru held its first Humorous Speech Contest on 5th February 2019. The Humorous contest, was to me, about enabling Toastmasters integrate humor into their public speaking.

Every adventure requires a first step
I was motivated to join the contest because of my competitive spirit and the thrill of participating in something totally different from the usual Toastmasters meeting. The contest was another way to push myself a bit more out of my comfort zone,exercise my creative writing, energy and a potential to win. Last but not least, I knew that it would be fun!

I was able to gather content for my speech by reviewing my personal life, assessing areas which could be hilarious.That's how I zeroed in on the subject of my experience with maths throughout school and how terrible I was at the subject. I rehearsed the speech in front of my workmates,the mirror and I shared my speech with some members of Bukoto Toastmasters Club (BTM) for feedback.

AT LAST! Jitters overcome and Victory attained!
The D-Day:I was excited about the likelihood of winning the contest.However, I also worried about losing my train of thought, particularly in front of the large audience that I had never faced before Toastmasters. Although first place was my goal, I was not disappointed at all given the quality of speeches we had that day, especially how great other speakers were. And as fate would have it, no sooner had I begun my speech, after 3 lines, than my mind went blank. I momentarily forgot the next lines which shattered my speech chronology. However,since I was in it for the long haul, I picked myself up and completed the speech. I was encouraged by the Contest Chair and Chief Judge to run the race. I also asked myself "What's the worst that could happen after this?" I knew I wouldn't win, but it was important to keep the momentum, challenge myself to the finish line. And for that, I am proud of myself. In case you're wondering,yes, I did get some chuckles from the audience.

I appreciate all the positive and motivational feedback I received after the contest. I feel excited about my future growth in public speaking within and outside Toastmasters. I view speech contests as another way of growing and learning. Win or lose, we become better people because we have crept out of our comfort zone and grown from the experience. We should all know when we compete, it is not about other competitors, it's about improving our skills.

I am looking forward to future contests including the Uganda Humorous Contest that will be held at Naguru Skyz Hotel on 5th March 2019 at 6:00pm. You wouldn't want to miss this one, the winners of the three previous club Humorous Speech contests battling it out to scoop the amazing title of the Most Humorous Ugandan Toastmaster! For only UGX 15,000

The winner will then compete with the most humorous Toastmasters across East Africa-Kenya,Tanzania,Rwanda and Ethiopia between 9th -12th May 2019 in Kampala, Uganda for the Title of the Most Humorous in East Africa! I'm saving those dates tooo. You should do the same.

Viola Nakiggwe
Member, Bukoto Toastmasters Club,Uganda

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